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Writing Competitions

Writing competitions are a great way for students to sharpen their legal writing skills, get published, and possibly win cash prizes.

Please visit the AccessLex Institute for currently available legal contest opportunities.

Writing Competitions | AccessLex InstituteSee also the American Bar Association's list of writing competitions and law student contests.

American Indian Law Review Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
The first place winner receives $1,500 and publication by the American Indian Law Review, an official periodical of the University of Oklahoma College of Law with international readership. The second place winner receives $750, and third place receives $400.
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                         
NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund Law Student Research and Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Saturday, March 1, 2025          
The awards are $10,000.00 for first place, $7,000.00 for second place, and $3,000.00 for third place.
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                         
Honorable William C. Conner Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Friday, March 7, 2025          
The Winner will receive a cash award of $2,500.00
The Runner-up will receive a cash award of $1,500.00
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Trandafir Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Friday, March 14, 2025          
The winner will receive publication and a $2,000 cash prize. 
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Prize in International Insolvency Studies
Entry Deadline: Saturday, March 15, 2025 
The Gold Medal winner will be honored at the next in-person Annual International Insolvency Conference, in São Paulo, Brazil on June 9-10, 2025 (NextGen program June 8). All Medal Winners will be invited to attend that Conference and will be provided with complimentary Conference registration.
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                         
Robert T. Matsui Annual Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Sunday, March 16, 2025          
The winner will receive a $2,000 award and the winning entry will be published by the UCLA Asian Pacific American Law Journal (APALJ).
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Roy Snell Health Care Regulatory and Compliance Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025
1st Place — $5000 cash prize
2nd Place — $3000 cash prize
3rd Place — $1500 cash prize
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
James E. Beckley Student Writing Competition 
Entry Deadline: March 28, 2025
First prize: $1,500
Second prize: $1,000
Third prize: $750
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                       
Phil Cowan - Judith Bresler Memorial Scholarship
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
The winner will receive publication and a $2,000 cash prize. 
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Howard C. Schwab Memorial Essay Contest
Entry Deadline: Friday, April 18, 2025
1st Prize: $1,500
2nd Prize: $750
3rd Prize: $350
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Annual AUWCL National Health Law Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Monday, May 5, 2025
First Place: $1,500
Second Place: $1,000
Third Place: $500
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                         
Health Law Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Friday, May 16, 2025
First place: $7,500
Second place: $4,000
Third place: $1,000
More information can be found here
The Marshall Manne Schulman Competition for Student Papers in Criminal Law and/or Criminal Procedure
Entry Deadline: Friday, May 30, 2025
Grand Prize: $2,500 cash prize, published in the Criminal Law Journal, one-year student membership in the Criminal Law Section
Three Honorable Mention Prizes: $1,000 cash prize, published in the Criminal Law Journal, and one-year student membership in the Criminal Law Section
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                              
The Judge John R. Brown Scholarship Foundation 32nd Annual Brown Award
Entry Deadline: Saturday, May 30, 2025
First Place: $15,000
Second Place: $7,500
Third Place: $5,000
Finalist: $2,500
More information can be found here
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Student Writing Contest
Entry Deadline: Sunday, May 31, 2025
1st Prize: $2,500 (plus full tuition to specific graduate programs)
2nd Prize: $1,500
3rd Prize: $1,000
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
The American College of Employee Benefits Counsel Employee Benefits Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Monday, June 1, 2025
Sidney M. Perlstadt Memorial Award: $2,500
Brian J. Dougherty Memorial Award $2,500
More information can be found here.  
Mary Moers Wenig Student Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Monday, June 1, 2025
1st Prize: A Full Tuition Scholarship to the Heckerling Graduate Program in Estate Planning at the University of Miami School of Law for the 2025-2026 or 2026-2027 academic year, a $5,000 award, and publication in the ACTEC Law Journal.
2nd Prize: $3,000 award, online publication on The ACTEC Foundation’s website, and possible publication in the ACTEC Law Journal.
3rd Prize: $1,000 award, online publication on The ACTEC Foundation’s website, and possible publication in the ACTEC Law Journal.
More information can be found here
College of Labor and Employment Lawyers Law Student Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Sunday, June 15, 2025
First Place: $3,000; Second Place: $1,000; and Third Place: $500
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                        
The Warren E. Burger Prize
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, July 1, 2025
The author of the winning essay will receive a cash prize presented to the recipient at the American Inns of Court annual Celebration of Excellence at the Supreme Court of the United States. 
More information can be found here.                                                                                                                                                          
Selma Moidel Law Student Writing Competition in California Legal History
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, July 1, 2025
1st place: $5,000
2nd place: $2,500
3rd place: $1,000
More information can be found here
William W. Greenhalgh Student Writing Competition
Entry Deadline: Tuesday, July 1, 2025
The winner will receive a $2,500 cash prize that may be presented at an agreed-upon CJS event.
More information can be found here.
American College of Consumer Financial Services Lawyers (ACCFSL) Writing Competition 
Entry Deadline: Sunday, November 1, 2025
The awards include a cash payment, a certificate or other token of recognition, and (if applicable) travel expenses to attend the College’s annual dinner. 
More information can be found here
The Blanch Law Firm Scholarship
Entry Deadline: Rolling deadline. Submissions due within 14 days of receipt of assignment.
Cash award totaling $5,000
More information can be found here.
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